SuruttuPalli is a small town - about 7 kms from Oothukottai - before Nagalapuram, on the way from Chennai to Tirupathi. The main deity of the temple in this town in Pallikondeeswarar and the name of His consort is Maragadambikai.
In pursuit of Amrit (nectar), Devas and Asuras churned the Ksheerasagara ocean with Snake Vasuki as rope, Mandhara mountain as the churning tool and Lord Vishnu in the form of a tortoise (Koorma) holding up the mountain on His back. During the churning of the ocean, fumes of the Haala Haala poison emanated and began to suffocate all around. Lord Shiva came to the rescue and consumed the Haala Haala poison and Goddess Parvati managed to stop the poison in Lord Shiva’s neck itself (and hence the name Neelakanta for Lord Shive). Weary from His efforts, Lord Shiva rested on the lap of Goddess Parvathi in this place.
It is very rare to see Lord Shiva in lying position in the temples. However, SuruttuPalli temple is an exception - with Lord Shiva in Sayana (lying down posture). Pradosham ritual in this temple is very famous among devotees. Another interesting feature in this temple is the presence of Dakshinamurthy with His wife as Dampathya Dakshinamurthy. Offering prayers at this temple is supposed to bring mental peace and happiness in the family.